Probiotics to fight cancer - The missing link in our diet

July 4, 2021

Cancer is a very complex medical /health problem to treat. Probiotics and Gut Health is fundamental for a strong immune system. If the gut flora is out of balance, then unfriendly bacteria, candida will out- grow the friendly bacteria and this can lead to many health problems such as cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and other health issues. Friendly bacteria or fermented foods which are rich in good bacteria have been shown to be able to control  or overcome cancer and many other health problems. Many friendly bacteria or probiotics are able to help overcome cancer, tumours and other diseases. This webinar is an exposition of the research, clinical trials and break through studies of Dr.Nathan Ganapathi’s 30 years of amazing work with Probiotics. His studies have shown that all Health problems are linked to the Gut Flora.

1. Taking charge of the body’s immune and defence system. 
2. The best diet that nurtures probiotic balance in our body 
3. Techniques to help the body to build good bacteria in our system 
4. Clinical trials and real life studies 
5. Summary, conclusion and Q & A 

About the speaker: 
Dr. Nathan A. Ganapathi has Ph.D. in  Microbiology from Auckland, New Zealand and a  Diploma in Nutritional Medicine. He is also Health Consultant for Wellness. 

Dr. Nathan is a Botanist and a naturalist with 35 years of hands on experience in  Microbiology,  Forest Pathology, Probiotics and wellness. Dr Nathan obtained his doctorate in 1979 from Auckland University, New Zealand. Dr. Nathan also has a Diploma in Nutritional Medicine from The Asian Institute of Management Science.Dr. Nathan has supervised undergraduates and post graduates at Auckland University, He has been a post –doctoral fellow at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, (DSIR), Mt. Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. 

On his return to Malaysia, Dr. Nathan was appointed as s Senior Research Scientist at The ASEAN Quarantine Centre and Training Institute (ASEAN PLANTI) where he served for more than 15 years. Dr. Nathan was also appointed as a Professor and  Head of Microbiology and Medicinal Plants at the Agriculture University of Malaysia./ Universiti Pertanian 

His research has been in Probiotics at Yokohama University, Japan. He has done much scientific research on different types of Probiotics and has published many scientific papers on clinical trials in Japan, Philippines, Malaysia and other ASEAN countries. Personally he has made a difference in many people's lives by educating and guiding them to reverse some of the complicated health issues with his wisdom and vast knowledge. 

He was also General Manager, Asia Pacific Forestry Research Association, (APAFRI), Funded by the Canadian International Development Agency – CIDA), for four years. 

Dr. Nathan has also been involved in consultancy and training with  Health Groups where he teaches Nutrition, Probiotics, Diet, Health and Life Style as well as Microbiology Integrated Pest Management. He has published more than 100 scientific papers and books.